
Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko. Unmanned aerial vehicles: issues of security and trusted use

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Aleksey Ig. Khimchenko - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Abstract. Digitalization processes contribute to changing the approach to the organization of many technological processes. The development of the unmanned aerial vehicle industry, being among the typical examples of the implementation of such transformations, can qualitatively change the approach to organizing the flight process. At the same time, there is also a transformation of many related and supporting processes that are crucial for the result. The development of technological solutions and the complication of architectural approaches for their implementation, the increase in the number of subjects and the perimeter of information interaction require a separate approach to the security of the information infrastructure that ensures the implementation of the flight. In the current paper there have been considered the features of the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, analyzed trends and approaches to information security enforcement, and developed proposals for improving information infrastructure security.

Keywords: digital environment; information infrastructure; confidence; cybersecurity; unmanned aerial vehicles.


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