
Ildar R. Al’bikov, Nataliya S. Boyko. Cybersecurity action plan: building a robust global aviation security mechanism

UDK: 629.7

Ildar R. Al’bikov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute

Nataliya S. Boyko - Candidate of Law, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor, Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute

Abstract. The current paper has presented a plan to implement the ICAO cybersecurity strategy for the aviation industry. This plan includes clearly defined strategies designed to enforce aviation security in cyberspace. This plan includes an estimation of existing activities carried out in different parts of the world and progress in the field of cybersecurity. Special attention has been paid to analyzing the current situation in the field of cybersecurity in aviation, including identifying vulnerabilities, successfully implemented measures to prevent cyber threats, as well as the introduction of modern technologies to protect information.

Keywords: information security; incident; cybersecurity; cyber-attack; cyber threat; information exchange; cybersecurity policy; event; vulnerability; flight safety; aviation security.


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