
Aleksander Ol. Troitsky. The gaps in informing the subjects of prevention of illicit arms trafficking as a criminogenic factor of transport security enforcement

UDK: 343.16:343.344:656.2

Aleksander Ol. Troitsky - Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Countering the illegal arms trafficking in transport is one of the fundamental conditions for the fight against crime. Among other tasks, it is aimed at eliminating the causal complex that gives rise to these types of crimes and is aimed at carrying out preventive work to minimize possible risks in case of their inevitable commission. The problem is so significant since many crimes (murders, robberies, extortion, terrorist acts, etc.) are committed with the use of weapons. The current paper is devoted to the problem of preventing crimes related to the illegal arms trafficking caused by the gaps in informing the subjects of the prevention of illegal arms trafficking.

Keywords: illegal arms trafficking; crimes committed with the use of weapons; transport security; criminogenic factor.


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