
Svetlana N. Artamonova. On the question of the methods of preparation to a lecture “Administrative and legal foundations of control activities in the field of road safety: history, present days and development prospects” in the context of the development of the adult permanent education system and distance learning

UDK: 378.147(075.8)

Svetlana N. Artamonova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defence

Abstract. The current paper presents some aspects of the methods of preparation to a lecture in the discipline taught according to the curriculum of the permanent education program in order to provide students with knowledge about the experience of organization and administrative and legal regulation of the control activities to ensure road transport safety, as well as the prospects to improve it.

Keywords: road safety; control and supervisory activities; adult permanent education system; additional professional education; advanced training; distance learning; methods of conducting a lecture.


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