Issue №4(48) (4th quarter of 2023)
#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Problems of determining the grounds for seizure of land plots for the needs of highway construction

Features of legal regulation of territory planning in order to develop transport infrastructure with the integrated development of territories of settlements

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Repeated driving of a motor vehicle by a person in a state of intoxication: current trends and current issues of qualification of crimes

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
Analysis of judicial practice to identify problematic issues in determining the subject when proving the guilt of a cargo carrier during railway transportation

#International transport law
#Maritime Law
The principle of special circumstances and its applicability in the demarcation of maritime boundaries between Iraq and Kuwait

#Legal framework of national security
System of subjects of public administration in the field of transport security in the context of digital transformation (federal level)

Specifics of restrictions on human rights and freedoms to ensure national security under martial law and during counter-terrorism operations

#Transport security in professional education
Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of a professional standard for a specialist in the field of railway transport security (part 2)

#Conferences results
Review of the II All-Russian Research and Practical Conference “Legal Support of National Security. In the memory of A. A. Prokhozhev" (RANEPA, Moscow, April 21, 2023)

Review of the International Conference “Urgent Issues of the Maritime and Inland Water Law in the Current Geopolitical Conditions” (Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, October 18, 2023)