Koryakin Viktor Mikhailovich
Doctor of Law, professor

In September 2017 Viktor M. Koryakin was awarded with the scientific title “professor” by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
He is a member of Dissertation Councils in Law at the Military University and the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, as well as a member of the 14-th Special Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
Due to his scientific supervision 21 people defended their research works and became Candidates of Law.
Viktor M. Koryakin is an author of 500 research and teaching works dealing with various aspects of civil and administrative law, law of social supply, anti-corruption issues.
To the most important and significant works of Viktor M. Koryakin belong:
- The ways to improve the efficiency of civil law regulation of railway freight transportation: a monograph. M., 2008 (co-authored);
- Current insurance problems of civil liability of railway freight transporter: a monograph. M., 2008 (co-authored);
- The work with citizens’ appeals to the railway transport organizations: science-practical textbook. M., 2008;
- Legal regulation of freight transportation in a direct mixed traffic: a monograph. M., 2010 (co-authored);
- Administrative regulation of the activities of the Federal Railway Transport Agency in the field of land relations: a monograph. M., 2012 (co-authored);
- The problems of improvement of the legal regulation of international air transport: a monograph. M., 2013 (co-authored);
- Anti-corruption measures in public procurement for defense and military security: a monograph. M., 2014;
- Anti-corruption measures in the Russian Federation: a textbook. Voronezh, 2014 (co-authored);
- Housing law: a textbook. M., 2014 (co-authored);
- Non-military sanctions against Russia: legal aspect: a monograph. M., 2015;
- Current problems of civil law: a textbook. M., 2015;
- Civil and commercial law of foreign countries in the schemes: a textbook. M., 2016;
- Theory of transport law: a monograph. M., 2016 (co-authored);
- Legal enforcement of the development of high-speed railway transport in the Russian Federation: a monograph. M., 2016 (co-authored);
- Civil liability of the state contractual parties: a monograph. 2017;
- Civil law in the schemes. Special part: a textbook. M., 2017 (co-authored);
- Civil law in the schemes. General part: a textbook. M., 2017;
- Arbitral proceeding in the schemes: a textbook. M., 2017;
- Psychological aspects of legal advice: a monograph. M., 2018 (co-authored);
- Legal basis for anti-corruption: a textbook and a workbook for bachelor and specialty programs/ under total. ed. A.I. Zemlin. M., 2019 (co-authored);
- Business law in the schemes: a textbook. M., 2019;
- Anti-corruption in a commercial organization with state participation (based on the materials of the Open Joint-stock Company “Russian Railways”). M., 2019;
- Current problems of business, corporate, environmental and labor law: monograph: in 2 Volumes / Ex. ed. S. D. Mogilevsky, Yu. G. Leskova, O. A. Zolotova, O. V. Sushkova. M., 2019 (co-authored).