Issue №3(35) (3rd quarter of 2020)
#Transport security in professional education
#International transport law
#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Digital characteristics of the condition and structure of transport crimes during the period of self-isolation

On the depenalization of intoxication as a qualifying element of the corpus delicti designated by Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Anti-terrorist security of the Russian transport complex in the field of prosecutors’ supervision

The right to drive vehicles carrying passengers: problems of identifying and controlling Russian and foreign drivers with revoked driving licenses

Prosecutor's supervision over the implementation of legislation in transport in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (the experience of the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office)

#Transport economy
The impact of performance and efficiency indicators of the Russian customs authorities’ work on the sphere of transport services in international trade

Currency transactions between resident transport organizations and other residents and non-residents

#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
#History of transport law
Review on the textbook edited by Professor A. I. Zemlin “Legal support of professional activities (for students of Transport universities)”