Issue №3(51) (3rd quarter of 2024)
#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Some issues of legal support for the design and construction of the high-speed railway Moscow - St. Petersburg

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport: status, tendencies, and preventive measures

#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
#Maritime Law
#Legal framework of national security
Goal setting and long-term forecasting in the sphere of national security enforcement of the Russian Federation

#Theory and methodology of transport law
#Transport economy
#History of transport law
Historical aspects of formation of tariffs for long-distance passenger transportation in domestic traffic

#Conference results
Review of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Law enforcement of national security. Ten years of the Law on Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation” (RANEPA, Moscow, April 19, 2024)