Issue №3(43) (3rd quarter of 2022)
#International transport law
The features of transport security. Legal conflicts at the safety zones around artificial islands, installations, and structures

Theoretical and legal foundations for enforcing environmental security in the international transport activities and in the interaction between the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Review of scientific research devoted to the disclosure and investigation of crimes related to the provision of services for the transportation of passengers by water and air transport that do not meet the requirements for the safety of their life and health (Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

The gaps in informing the subjects of prevention of illicit arms trafficking as a criminogenic factor of transport security enforcement

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Some issues of improving the legal regulation of the opening and closing procedure for railway crossings

#Legal framework of national security
#Theory and methodology of transport law
#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
Problems and features of commercial concession and franchising agreements in order to provide transport logistics services at the international level

#History of transport law
Transport education regulators in early 1941. Evaluation of the work experience of Georgy Konstantinovich Evgrafov, professor of MIIT