Issue №3(39) (3rd quarter of 2021)
#Transport security in professional education
Urgent directions and concerns of the formation and improvement of the legal culture of a transport specialist in modern conditions

#International transport law
Application of the transport corridor management principle to the organization of the Trans-Siberian Railway activities

#Theory and methodology of transport law
#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
Improvement of civil law norms aimed at ensuring sustainable development of the Russian economy in modern conditions (on the example of transport industry)

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Primary fingerprints’ investigation and identification of unidentified corpses found on railway transport

Use of digital technologies in driver’s identification to detect and investigate the ‘car sharing’ thefts

#Land and legal and environmental transport relations
#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
Information and legal support of information security in the transport sector in the context of digital development

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
#History of transport law
Review of the article “Issues of applicable law in the sphere of tort relations with a foreign element” by A. O. Inshakova, Yu. A. Tymchuk