Issue №1(37) (1st quarter of 2021)
#Transport security in professional education
Transport and Law Forum: an annual international and leading scientific event of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

The state and prospects for the development of the functioning of the student's personal account in the electronic information and educational environment of the university on the example of the Russian University of Transport

#International transport law
Legal issues of international cooperation in the field of environmental safety of transport activities

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Digital technologies: new approaches to information support of forensic examination of vehicle markings

How the new edition of Article 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will affect the qualification of offenses

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security
Peculiarities of providing information when signing a commercial concession contract on the provision of transport services

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Termination of the Transportation Certificate along the regular transportation routes as a measure of the carriers' liability (on the example of the Moscow region)

#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security
Systemic problems of cross-border exchange of electronic transport documents in the context of digitalization

Accessible environment for people with limited mobility on the example of transport in Moscow and its districts (theoretical and legal aspect)

#Transport economy
Organizational and legal environment for real estate management and improvement of investment activities of the open joint stock company “Russian Railways”

Some issues of outsourcing application in transport logistics in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

#Land and legal and environmental transport relations
#Foreign experience of transport legal regulation
The main stages in the development of transport legal regulation in Russia, Great Britain and France and their interaction