Issue №1(49) (1st quarter of 2024)
#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations
Legal support for the activities of transport security divisions to suppress the functioning of unmanned systems: problematic issues

Urgent issues of improving legal mechanisms for preventing and combating corruption, preventing, and resolving conflicts of interest in the establishments set up to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation

On the directions of development of a restriction institution in the turnover of public railway transport infrastructure facilities

Social support for family and childhood using the example of the activities of joint-stock company “Russian Railways”

The debtor’s vehicle located abroad as a property interest for the claimant in enforcement proceedings: implementation of the principle of rationality

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes
Urgent issues of improving the system of legal measures to protect railway transport facilities from illegal attacks

#International transport law
Measures necessary to prevent road transport accidents (on the example of M1 Yerevan-Gyumri-Bavra-Georgia border highway)

#Maritime Law
#Theory and methodology of transport law
#Transport economy
The mechanism for implementing investments in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation