Статьи номера | Issue №27

Articles of the journal issue №3 (27) (3rd quarter of 2018)

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Koryakin V., Kinashenko I. About some problems of compensation to the airports of expenses on providing services in ensuring flights of the state aviation

UDK: 347.82

Koryakin V. - doctor of law, professor, head of the department «Civil law, international private law and civil procedure» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Kinashenko I. - associate professor, department «Civil law, international private law and civil procedure» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport

Abstract. The article presents a scientific and practical commentary to the Decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2018 № 32-P, according to which the provisions of paragraph 3 of the article are recognized as not corresponding to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 69 of the Air code of the Russian Federation (VC of the Russian Federation) to the extent that in the system of the current legal regulation they do not provide certainty of conditions of compensation to legal entities at the expense of means of the Federal budget of expenses on rendering services in airport and ground support of flights of the aircrafts belonging to the state bodies performing functions on ensuring national defense and security of the state.

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