
Oleg Al. Ostrovskiy, Yuriy P. Garmaev. Criminal justice measures to cybercrime according to the common law model through the investigator’s professional competence and his skills of the intellectual analysis of forensic digital information

UDK: 343,98

Oleg Al. Ostrovskiy - post graduate of the department ‘Criminal Law and Customs Affairs’ of the law faculty of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

Yuriy P. Garmaev - Doctor of Law, professor of the department ‘Criminal Law and Customs Affairs’ of the law faculty of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed criminal justice measures to cybercrime according to the model of common law and security. There has been discussed the ability of the subjects of criminal justice to fulfill their main function. Investigation of cybercrimes is complicated by the confluence of factors that influence the criminal justice process. There is a common problem among law enforcement agencies around the world, which is associated with delays in the processing of digital devices, the complexity of processing large amounts of data, their security and the professional competence discrepancy of law enforcement officers in working with digital media. The relevance of studying the problem of cybercrimes can be substantiated by the necessity to implement new principles of criminal law policy.

Keywords: cybercrime; the investigator’s competence; intellectual analysis; the field of computer information; forensic technique; information traces.


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